Saturday 18 February 2012


From the Music in my Heart
To the Tears in my Soul
To the sweet drums of music
To the songs of the night
Heaven watches over thee.

Crafted by the Master's hand
There is a beauty in your design
His love sustaineth thee
Visions bear thee,
Up in my heart.

Created for a Purpose
Created for a Sovereign will
Created for the Master's Rule
His life dwelleth in thee!

As Solomon was borne
Through the fusion of love and passion
So will thy beginning thee
But however you are still different
Since the Master has
Breathed his soul into thee.

He does into everyone
And yet, there are a few
Timed and Tested
Created but for a purpose
In accordance with his sovereign will.

So believed Hannah
And so does all women who have faith
Angels watch over thee
As God keep thee
Safe in the palm of his hands

To be released someday
From the womb of the Sunflower
To the womb of the Chosen Vessel
Good Night!

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