Sunday 8 September 2013

Sunday Morning Service - Message - The Spirit of the Lord bring Victory.

The SPIrit of the lord

Isaiah 25: 10 “For the Hand of the Lord will rest on this mountain”
What is the mountain? The king of Assyria has waged a war against the country Israel, the people are expecting defeat and slavery. This is the mountain that is standing before them. Before focusing on the victory of the Lord. The Lord kept opening this verse to me, preceeding the main focus of today’s message.
Sins as Mountains:
Go and loose the sackcloth from your loins and take your sandals off your feet”, and he had done so, walking naked and barefoot. Then the Lord said “Just as my servant Isaiah has walked naked and barefoot for three years and as a sigh and a portent against Egypt and Ethiopia” Isaiah 20: 2,3.
1.      A sign of humiliation.
 We notice in proverbs “The Lord laith bare the wanton eyes”. Lust of the flesh. Boundaries in the inside. When we lack inner sense of curtailing our thoughts, our actions, our deeds, our speech, our words, when we do not exercise inner resources of self-control. We have accumulated a barrier or a mountain within ourselves, paving way for humiliation along the road of life. Humiliation could be defeat in workspots (promotions) and other repercussions. Taking this a little practical to life, let me include here some of my observations of life. Inner emotions gives rise to exterior mountains or obstacles or tribulations. For eg. I know a believer who served the Lord, but was wanton. Mild flirting…with other men. Not sexual. She was earning for some more respect, power, or even attention. Women can understand what I mean by power. Manipulating men by offering them certain level of space, it does not have be physical. My co-students would call it intellectual flirting, nothing to be guilty about. But I have soon noticed how God raised thorns! One after another. Daughter would not go to school, failed in numerous subjects, complaints sored from teachers about her waywardess..A thoroughly disciplined child till that point. This lady continued…another thorn, her husband who once cooked, watched over the children, picked and dropped her from work. Attended to her every need, completely or absolutely lost his affections for her. In her words she described herself as no more the wife but a maid to her husband and children. One thorn after another soon became a mountain. The Lord was specifically asking me to write on this point before promoting to the next level of deliverance. Here what do we learn. Abstain from sexual immoralities. And how, nobody is perfect. By prayer. List your weaknesses to God, tell him the truth, cry out to him, and he will heal you and deliver you. The Love of God is so sustaining to fill every vacuum within you. But not unless you try him, beyond measure. It is the narrow way to reach heaven.

2.      Captivity:
The Lord releases captivity. Sin and its bondages leads us into captivity. In Isaiah 36:8  we read And Rabshakeh said unto them, “I will give you two thousand horses if you are able on your part to set riders on them”
Isaiah 36:8 “On whom do you rely”, 18: “Has any of the Gods of the nations saved their land out of the hand of the King of Assyria”.
The captain of the army mocks the Israelities. We read his arrogant verses above. Just as this we hear the words of our enemies during captivity. Mockery and signs of laughter. And we call unto the Lord. When we confess our sins, he is faithful to deliver us from our captivity. Deliver us from all our bondages. Isaiah says “For the hand of the Lord will rest on this mountain” Isaiah 25: 10 He is faithful to forgive us. If Christ sets you free you are free in indeed. Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Make us whole Lord Jesus. Simply pray this prayer to the Lord and he will set you as the head and not the tail. The Psalmist says “As wax melts before fire so does the wicked melt like wax in the presence of the Lord”. “The Lord will make all your mountains a way”. “The mountains melt like wax in the presence of the Lord”. Again the focus here is Presence. Do we live in the presence of the Almighty God. If so do you still gossip, speak evil of others, speak openly about other people’s dark inner secrets, do we offend others, mock others, hurt others, revengeous towards others, are we forgiving, do we make efforts to control situations by just exercising silence, when abhorred by others. What movies do we watch, what songs do we listen, whose fan are you. Do you uphold the wicked.  Do we tithe to  please man or God. Do you preach his word as yea and Amen. Are you sanctified. Do you speak bad words. Do you fight or just silent in an argument. If so now check and know if you are still living in the presence of the Lord. It is easy to fail, but do we return through earnest repentance, and make sincere efforts to climb higher than the mantle set towards us. Here discretion to act noble is required. Now if you say that I do live in the presence of the Lord. I think right and Iam not unequally yoked like Samson. If so now the Lord tells you, that he will make all your mountains a way. “The Lord binds up the injuries of his people and heals the wounds inflicted by his blow”!

3.      Victory and the Spirit of the Lord:
Whole of last week the Lord was whispering this verse to me “the spirit of the Lord”. This is the message he gave me for this Sunday Morning Service!. Isaiah 42:1 “I myself will put a spirit in him so that he may hear a rumour”. An angel of the Lord set out and struck down one hundred eighty five thousand in the camp of the Assyrians. When morning dawned, they were all dead bodies” (Isaiah 37:36). Transfer of spirits, the indominable spirit of the Captain of the Assyrian army was transferred with a spirit of confusion and he lost the battle. Spirit triumphs, or Truth Triumphs. The spirit inside us attracts the spirit of victory or failure sent to us by the Lord. So if you are loosing your battle, check whether if you have a right spirit with the Lord. Isaiah 42:1 “I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nation”. Considering this verse. When we have the spirit of truth within us then the Lord revealeth his own spirit into us. The spirit of courage, strength, wisdom, glory, power and victory. We therefore rise above all the nations. He set Jesus high above all the nations. He set Daniel high above all the nations. We notice how in both these men The Government shifted from the Lord’s shoulder to their shoulder. But truth, goodwill, meekness, faithfulness, prayerfulness, austerity, self-lessness was their true virtues in common. So now who wants a promotion from the Lord. Honour and Glory. Reflect the true natures of Jesus. Here all I want to say is perfection is a life long process. So God might send you into Refiner’s fire, Seven time of Affliction, till he sees his image in you. And then you are ready. Let us pray dear Lord Let the Beauty of Jesus be seen in Us. Finally Isaiah 44:6 “Iam the first and Iam the Last besides me there is no God”. To me it could also mean There is only way to victorious living. And this is the way God showed me. I believe.

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