Tuesday 11 February 2014

Moor Kuzhambu
A South Indian Speciality. There are many versions to it, cooked differently by each community. But my favourite is this, out of all the versions that I have personally tried over the years.

1. Brinjal - 2 or Ladies finger (fried) 1 cup
2. Peel the Brinjal, cut it into cubes, and fry it in just 1T. of oil
3. Make a paste from 2 pieces of coconut (cut in 2 inch size), 1T. of cummin seeds (not roasted), Casuanuts 12 in number, Green Chilli - 4, 1T of soaked channa dal, 1T of soaked raw rice. Soak them for 12 minutes in warm water and later grind them into a thick paste.
4. To one cup of curd (not sour), add 2 cups of water and beat it into a thick butter milk.
5. In a pan add the 3T of oil, add 1/4tsp of mustard seeds, 1T of curry leaves, 1 red chilli (kashmiri less fiery), asafoetida pdr. 1/2 tsp, and add the paste and saute it for 2 and 1/2 minutes on low heat. Next add the butter milk freshly made. On top add the finely chopped coriander leaves, and let it boil on low heat till bubbles are formed. Add to it the fried brinjal pieces and remove from stove and serve.

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