Saturday 25 May 2013

Continuing Victory

      Psalm 24:6,Such is the company of those who seek him. Who seek the face of the God of Jacob”.  In the old testament, God tells Moses in many places, “And the Levite is mine”. He prescribes the ‘Duties’ of the Levite in service, and mentions the colours ‘purple’, ‘blue’, ‘crimson’ to be used in service. Each one of these colour’s represent something. Purple stands for royalty. Blue spiritually stands for prophetic ministries. Crimson stands of passion. These three qualities together constitute service for royalty, in royalty. “And thou art a royal diadem in the hands of the Lord a royal priesthood forever”. “The scepter shall never depart from Judah”. “And the Levite is mine”. Service in the Kingdom, Service in the Lord’s Ministry. The two are two different arms of the Lord. What are the Lord’s characteristics?
 Humility:  Men or Women who are his arm, allows the flood of life-flow to flow within them. And so, what are his traits. Let me begin with what he taught for a over a decade starting from age 12, when I started reading his word. “Humility”, “Do not boast about yourself, let other’s boast about you”, “He that wants to be great in God’s kingdom learns to be the servant of all”. These two verses, he taught me, broke open to me, everyday for years. In the 8th grade I learnt this spiritual secret, ‘he who takes victory over the depths of temptation! Catapults himself to great heights”. Praying and opening the doors of temptation, for VICTORY! To overcome! How do you overcome? Hours of prayer, bible reading and spending time in God’s presence. The Lord himself will reveal yourself to you. Setting yourself up, through struggle and fight. Not by choosing to cross the road of influence through  powerful men or women.  Waiting for God’s time to plunge you to victory. Till then “Be still and know that Iam God”.
Denying yourself:  Not seeking places of importance or self-strategising higher roads, which is seemingly victorious! My humble opinion only God can give real victory.  I don’t believe in not eating well, not dressing well, those are matters to do with self-esteem. Self respect and self-esteem, must not be confused with self-denial. Self-denial could also mean, waiting on the Lord for his time to move in every area of your life. /Going deep, going strong, being prepared for victory. This also could be the connotation for the word ‘passion’. Without it, an individual could become servile! What is servility? Waiting more on the arms of man to move in the direction of your need. Whereas God is unfailing, ‘But the shepherd only knows HIS SHEEP’. His sheep, follows  him anywhere he leads, trusting in him. Trust and Obey for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.
 Joy:  Peace, my peace I leave with you, not as the world gives do I give unto you”. This peace creates fountains of joy. It doesn’t promise lack of tears, but it ensures lack of sorrow. “The sting of words, shall never touch a righteous man” (quote from catholic bible). Peace ruleth over you. Without this aspect of faith and trust, sojourney with the Lord could be impossible.
Moses and other saints, met Jesus in the heights of the mountain. A mountain top experience is always symbolic with prayer. We are now coming to the focal point of today’s message, ‘continuing victory’. Both Jesus and Moses, took the first lap of victory, when they completed their pass in the 40 days of  fasting and overcoming temptation, and 40 years of crossing  the wilderness. David too took his first lap of victory, after running from cave to cave in the outskirts of his land. Hunted down for his life by Saul. His victory came with the death of Saul and Jonathan at the battle. Saul’s head was chopped off. He wrote the famous Psalms during his journey within.  But he fell in the middle of his journey. Victory was not sustained. Not continued. Whereas Moses and Jesus, the two saints, finished their race starting from the beginning to the end. How did they do it?  Moses waited on the Lord, heard his word, and later approached the pharaoh. When denied, he went back and told the Lord, and found another way to take his victory for the children of Israel. Redeem them from the stronghold of the enemy! And lead them to Canaan. Jesus prayed all night, and did ministry all day. (To those who think, you don’t have that grace. All I want to tell you is this, working in various colleges in Chennai, I use to set time apart from night 10p.m to morning 2a.m, rarely 3a.m. Sometimes going to bed at 9p.m and waking up at 3a.m. for prayer. God gave me grace to work without taking a single casual leave at the Anna Adarsh College of women where I worked. He took full charge of everything that concerned me. Securing peace in my borders.  However watching me in secret for so many years, in 2009 April he said, greater victories leave the job. I obeyed. It is possible. I was able to do this with cooking, cleaning, lacking maid or any sort of help. You can do this too, one just has to ask him).
“Duties of a Levite” Today:
Jesus asked Peter to pray for him. Find some good friends and people, who will continually hold you in their prayers. Warriors who have been through much afflictions. The bible says, “the prayer of the righteous man availeth much”, “the prayer of the righteous man pierces the cloud and will not come back without an answer”. “The Lord does not forget the afflictions of the righteous”. Keep yourself in the good company of men and women like this. Support them, if not by money, atleast with your love. Do not take them for granted. An intercessor is the spine of God’s kingdom, not even those who can raise the Dead! This is what God taught me. Further discussing the ‘duties of a Levite’, Jesus preached! Jesus performed miracles!  Jesus wept - true burden,  Not working for fame or popularity. Jesus called his disciples – preparing future generation to carry on the Lord’s work. Jesus watched over Peter while walking on the sea, while fishing – watching over the needs, affairs and attitudes of those subjected to be within our reach. Real sincereity, not artifice. Not just for the sake of the call and the work. Truth in heart.

Prayer for Today: Holy Lord Jesus give us thy grace. Go before us prepare the way. Prepare our hearts. May thy grace be sufficient for us. Amen.

Friday 24 May 2013

Oneness in God's Kingdom


     Oneness in god’s kingdom

By Dr. Sophia Devasahayam – pjm ministries

Qualities of a Ruler, Leader or Shepherd:
Judges 15:9 – 13
Vs. 12 , then men of Judah told Samson, “We have come down to bind you, so that we may give  you into the hands of the Philistines”. Samson answered them.  Vs. 13, “Swear to me that you yourselves will not attack me Qualities”.  They said to him, “No, we will only bind you and give into their hands; we will not kill you”.
     Who are the Judaeans. Jacob blessed Judah his son saying, “And the scepter will never depart of Judah”. On careful reading one can notice the birth of Jesus, prophesied so early. But we notice in the above verses, that they exercise no qualities of leadership, only servility. Why? Consecration, dedication, sincereity, sanctification, wholesomeness, in tune with God’s voice. hearing his voice, yielding to his guidance, are some of the qualities of a leader. They are set apart to be used by God. How they fail? We shall study this under the light of Samson and Saul.
     God first chose Saul to be the king of Israel. But he was neither trained nor tested. God unconditionally trusted him! Saul was soon seized by lust for power and authority. He couldn’t admire anyone better than himself, for eg. young David. He was seized by torments. He considered himself a Demi-God, we realize this when we read how he killed the priests ordained and set apart for God’s ministry. He offered sacrifice, which was a job meant to be done by only Samuel. He wanted to be everything. A king-priest. But that was not his call! Living within the borders of one calling, is the key to an unfailing relationship with God. When WE set ourselves for higher goals or victories, without his arm of strength as our support, we are bound to fail. I have admired how Saul was a not man  prone to weakness. He heart did not wander after wine, women, and wealth. He only seized himself power. But he intended to obey, when we notice him crying, missed being killed by David in the caves. He blesses young David as the next king, accepts God’s will. Humbles himself. But only momentarily. This was because his heart was not set on God himself but on what  God had to give him. We later notice how every male child in his family was killed, except Jonathan’s son who fell and broke his legs. Early in 2003, I was seated in a Christian organization, thinking this is how great I must climb in ministry, the Lord was quick to tell me something at that moment “Serve my heart and not my hands”. Pride killed Saul. He also failed to exercise oneness with God’s heart and his will. For a moment it is good to consider, how Samuel must have felt, when God asked him to ordain Saul and David as the future king of Israel. Imagine, called even in the womb, torn away from mother’s arm since a weaned child, served him in holiness and righteousness as a little child. Receptive to God’s voice, more than Eli. And yet, God Moved On! God’s focus is on what is best for his kingdom (in this case Israel) and not what is best for even Him! Parents raise your children in simplicity, discipline and fear of the Lord. This is not possible in your own strength. Set a day in a week just for them and fast and pray, indulge in alms giving,  my great - grandmother use to stand in the verandah of her house every evening, giving away money to the poor, saying “Cast your bread upon the water, for you don’t know may be all will return”. And God is still so faithful, in his call and will for her great grandchildren too. Unfailing Love.

Not taking God for Granted:
Judges 16:1, “Once Samson went to Gaza, where he saw a prostitute and went in to her”.  “So they circled around and lay in wait for him all night at the city gate. They kept quiet all night, thinking, “Let us wait until the light of the morning; then we will kill him”.
We all complain about the attacks of the enemy. Their schemes, plans, deceptiveness, lies, set – ups all intended to destroy us. Never peace. Struggle to the point, we are at the edge of this Christian journey. And may be, it could be God is just not setting you up. His line of plan for you is different, and not struggle. God set Samson a battle at his wedding plan, but not at Gaza. He set himself up. When we serve the Lord, fruitful in labour, the eyes of the enemy is always swift in making us fall, destroy us, and uproot us. The situation could be relationship, financial, neighbourhood problems, workspot, failing health, and carnal.  Analyse yourself in his presence, fast and pray in cleansing, let go , and set yourself free at his throne. He is faithful who called you, to redeem you. But to those who take him for granted, failing in this Christian journey again and again, God might just give you up soon one day. He might allow the Delilah. Iam telling you in truth, in my long walk with God, I have noticed how he not only sets you free, but also BLOCKS THE ROAD TO TEMPTATION!  The failure, which the world sees in your life, could only be a BLOCKED ROAD TO A FALL. You will not know yourself, unless you ask God, seated  at his feet , before his throne. When you are ready, he will PLUNGE YOU TO VICTORY!

Focal Point of Today’s Message:
Ch.15: 12 “We have come down to bind you, so that we may give you into the hands of the Philistines”.  Heart is filled with tears, writing this. How Samson could have felt. Great leaders of God, preachers, saints, prophets, struggle so much for His sheep through various battles. Broken by God in the furnace of testing and training. Broken by men through envy, jealousy, maliciousness and hatred. Tying Samson with chords. Evil witchcraft and voodoo regularly practiced against the saints and his family,  by God’s enemies. How much they struggle. Instead of supporting with their swords in battle, hometown men, blood line men, tied Samson with wounds. If you go through this road, you will not read this without crying. In my father’s ministry I have noticed how my parents gave everything to live and work for Christ among prostitutes, local rowdies. Daddy use to struggle so much on his knees in fasting and praying, and later voluntarily preach them the Gospel, at road meets, shops, stores. They were all soon saved, baptized and together ousted him out of his ministry. His heart broke through those roads. Blood use to be found at our staircase, witchcraft, to breakdown our home. Parents and children, husband and wife. It is through these roads as a young child of 12 years, I use to worship kneeling before the Lord from 3 to 6 every evening. Crying out to him, and he delivered us. My vexed father once laid his hands on my head and prayed, “God I believe this Child is my reward, release your storehouse of blessings into her life. Lead her to greatness”. He was so hurt, he didn’t even want to be rewarded in this ministry. Prayer warriors, preachers, prophets, support each other in prayer. Don’t speak evil of one another. Don’t try to destroy each other. Don’t be jealous of one another. This is the message God whispered to me this afternoon, Oneness!

Thursday 23 May 2013

Be Not Unequally Yoked - Presence of Jesus Ministry.

Be Not Unequally yoked – Message by
         Dr. Sophia Devasahayam

Judges Chapter 14:2
Samson told his parents, “I saw a Philistine woman at Timnah: now get her for me as my wife”.
     Not seeking God’s guidance: The word ‘saw’, and,  ‘now get her for me’.  These two words imply lack of self-control, from Samson. A man of God is expected to stand on his knees, seeking the Lord’s will, for every course of action. Decision. Only the Lord can know the end from the beginning, regarding any issue. The consequence is our’s and not God’s when we follow our own course of actions, as dictated by our heart’s, and ruled by our mind’s. The result is often downfall. Loss of purpose. And destruction of God’s sovereign will and power. Humiliation and regardlessness by our peer group, members of family, as well as the society. God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknessness. But he does not give that strength when we don’t wait upon the Lord. Honour him and he will honour you. Be faithful to him and he will be faithful to you. Giving Lord the first fruits, could also mean, sacrificing our will for his, obeying his set – patterns for our lives and overcoming our desires and true passions. It takes sacrifice. But God is a great rewarder of those who diligently seek him, night and day, everyday, over all the way
     Uncircumcised: Samson parent’s told him, “Is there not a woman among your kin, or among our people, that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?”.
 As a youngster when you come across this word it only means a non-christian, a man or woman who is not saved by God. God is a zealous man, a consuming fire and he does not want to us to mingle with these uncircumsied people. This is all it could mean. But God is a deeper man. The Bible says. “the human heart is very deep”, deceit, adulterous thoughts, lack of fidelity, lack of love, pretension, artifice, lies, breach of trust, lack of truth in words, deeds or emotions could be some of the qualities of the uncircumcised. A believer too experiences these emotions, but the spirit of the Lord is sensitive to make us aware of what is right from wrong. God control’s us, and prevents us from making huge mistakes. But a uncircumcised person is free of guilt regarding the pit they dig for others. They have no conscious and are not curtailed in their thoughts, actions or deeds. Loosing morality, intentionally or unintentionally. Fear grips them, anxiety is unleashed, throwing them towards outrageous sins and actions of regret, as a matter of true self-defence. But a man or woman of God, trusts him, and expects him to deliver them. Call unto Him, and he is faithful to answer us, deliver us. He is our portion forever. This could be explained through the following set of verses from chapter 14:16 The responsibility is not God’s if he doesn’t choose! Be it life - partner, places of work, finding a friend, venturing a business, choosing namely ANYTHING! And Samson wife complained, “You hate me; you do not really love me”. PRETENSION AND ARTIFICE. Vs. 15 And the Philistines threatened her by saying, “Coax your husband to explain the riddle, or we will burn you and your father’s house with fire”. SHE GAVE IN TO FEAR, BEING UNTRUSTWORTHY. The end result was destruction. When Samson burnt down the fields of the Philistines, “the Philistines came up, and burned her and her father” (ch. 15:6).