Tuesday 21 May 2013

Following Diving Guidance


                                              BY DR. SOPHIA DEVASAHAYAM

Judges Chapter 14 and 15
I was meditating these chapter’s this morning, as given by God, and the Holy Spirit laid opened my mind for a few facts which we can learn from this message.
Iam breaking open verses and analysing them, and later look into hidden layers of meaning, codes of conduct! which God wants us to learn from this passage. Samson was a predestinated child. His mother and father set themselves apart in the Lord even before they conceived the child. For only a Nazarite Woman can give birth to a Nazarite child. The preparation was complete during the time of waiting, which was exhausted by cleansing caused by suffering. The reward arrived, as a bundle of Joy, a prophet, who will lead Israel. Bible says that Samson’s parents raised him very carefully. And yet what went wrong?
Themes to study as God gave it to me.
·         Unconditional Set Up’s by God and Denial of Free Will

“I saw a Phil-lis-tine woman at Timnah, now get her for me as my wife”. Samson’s parents said, “Is there not a woman among your kin, or among our people that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines”. Third verse, “His father and mother did not know that this was from the Lord; for he was seeking a pretext to act against the Philistines. At that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel”.
Samson was pleased with the woman, but God was setting him up to destroy the Philistines. The set up was sequential from the slaying of the Lion, the riddle which came from it, the challenge with 30 garments, the threaten to burn the girl’s household by the Philistines, followed by Samson burning down their fields using foxes. “And God was Behind it”. A man who chooses to serve God, unconditionally, chosen, set apart from him is vehemently exposed to various setups by the divine hands, for the breakforth of victory to his kingdom. Samson blindly followed the course of his heart, and there was the end victory. However we see right after the incident of using foxes to burn the Philistine’s fields, Samson is found in the Cleft of the Rock. Adaicalam! The name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and they are safe. Not even  parents understand, wife or husband, friends and relatives repeatedly tell you this act which you are about to do, is not by God. You are following the Devil’s voice. But Samson acted, and for healing, for psychic balance, restoration  (as we call in psychology) he ran to the Rock Higher Than Him. This is how he found his strength, to execute God’s will for his life.
Lesson to Learn: Had Samson discussed what God lay in his heart with friends , relatives, and parents, he could have not allowed the Holy Spirit to work through him so mightily. From the tearing of the Lion, Burning of the fields using 300 foxes, and slaying a thousand men using just one jaw bone, the Lord used him as his own Arm.  He thus raised a banner of victory to God the King. Praying, Praising, and Reading the word of God, means, always living in the Presence of the Lord. Following and Obeying his word in every detail. Here we are sensitive to hearing  God’s word and Act accordingly. But once spoken, do not dishonor him by sharing what he gave you with other’s. This is very important.
Prayer for Today: Dear God, help us to be keen in listening to your voice. Use us for the Plans and Purpose you have in your mind. Give us your wisdom, Write your  thoughts into our Mind. And help us to diligently follow, understand, trust, and serve. The Tides are high, and Jesus slept only because he saw the fisherman as his apostles! Go Ahead and Preach the Gospel, go go go. And thanks for today’s message.

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