Thursday 23 May 2013

Be Not Unequally Yoked - Presence of Jesus Ministry.

Be Not Unequally yoked – Message by
         Dr. Sophia Devasahayam

Judges Chapter 14:2
Samson told his parents, “I saw a Philistine woman at Timnah: now get her for me as my wife”.
     Not seeking God’s guidance: The word ‘saw’, and,  ‘now get her for me’.  These two words imply lack of self-control, from Samson. A man of God is expected to stand on his knees, seeking the Lord’s will, for every course of action. Decision. Only the Lord can know the end from the beginning, regarding any issue. The consequence is our’s and not God’s when we follow our own course of actions, as dictated by our heart’s, and ruled by our mind’s. The result is often downfall. Loss of purpose. And destruction of God’s sovereign will and power. Humiliation and regardlessness by our peer group, members of family, as well as the society. God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknessness. But he does not give that strength when we don’t wait upon the Lord. Honour him and he will honour you. Be faithful to him and he will be faithful to you. Giving Lord the first fruits, could also mean, sacrificing our will for his, obeying his set – patterns for our lives and overcoming our desires and true passions. It takes sacrifice. But God is a great rewarder of those who diligently seek him, night and day, everyday, over all the way
     Uncircumcised: Samson parent’s told him, “Is there not a woman among your kin, or among our people, that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?”.
 As a youngster when you come across this word it only means a non-christian, a man or woman who is not saved by God. God is a zealous man, a consuming fire and he does not want to us to mingle with these uncircumsied people. This is all it could mean. But God is a deeper man. The Bible says. “the human heart is very deep”, deceit, adulterous thoughts, lack of fidelity, lack of love, pretension, artifice, lies, breach of trust, lack of truth in words, deeds or emotions could be some of the qualities of the uncircumcised. A believer too experiences these emotions, but the spirit of the Lord is sensitive to make us aware of what is right from wrong. God control’s us, and prevents us from making huge mistakes. But a uncircumcised person is free of guilt regarding the pit they dig for others. They have no conscious and are not curtailed in their thoughts, actions or deeds. Loosing morality, intentionally or unintentionally. Fear grips them, anxiety is unleashed, throwing them towards outrageous sins and actions of regret, as a matter of true self-defence. But a man or woman of God, trusts him, and expects him to deliver them. Call unto Him, and he is faithful to answer us, deliver us. He is our portion forever. This could be explained through the following set of verses from chapter 14:16 The responsibility is not God’s if he doesn’t choose! Be it life - partner, places of work, finding a friend, venturing a business, choosing namely ANYTHING! And Samson wife complained, “You hate me; you do not really love me”. PRETENSION AND ARTIFICE. Vs. 15 And the Philistines threatened her by saying, “Coax your husband to explain the riddle, or we will burn you and your father’s house with fire”. SHE GAVE IN TO FEAR, BEING UNTRUSTWORTHY. The end result was destruction. When Samson burnt down the fields of the Philistines, “the Philistines came up, and burned her and her father” (ch. 15:6).

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