Monday 29 April 2013


I Have Grown Big
In Might, Word, Strength and Honour.
None is  ABOVE! Me, thought
The innocent Giraffe.
Just Look Above,
You are not even Standing
As high as the Lowest clouds,
She heard a inner voice.



There are several version's to prawn biryani recipe. The original is where the prawn's are first marinated and later deep fried in oil. But I give my own twist's to every deeply oil fried recipes. And this is my version of prawn biryani, less oily and yet very tasty. Try this one. Since I don't write recipes without trying them out first.

1. Prawn - shelled and cleaned 1cup
2. Basmati Rice - 1 cup.
3. Onion big - 2 finely sliced into rounds
4. Green Chilli - 2 (slit)
5. Mint Leaves - 2T. (finely chopped)
6. Coriander Leaves - 3T (finely chopped)
7. cloves - 2
8. cardamom - 1
9. Bay Leaves - 1
10. Curry Leaves - 5
11. Casuanuts - 10
12. Ginger and Garlic paste - 1T.
13. Tomato - 1 small
14. Saffron powder - 1/4t., Chilli powder- 1/2T., Coriander powder- 1t., garam masala powder - 1/4t. Salt - 1tsp.
15. Curd 1T.
1. Wash and soak the Basmati Rice for half an hour or 45 minutes. Here make sure you wash it twice, remove the starch and later add the 2 cups of water which it requires for cooking. It makes things easy, while adding. Small tips.
2. In a non - stick pan, add 1T. of sunflower oil and first fry one finely sliced onion till deep brown in colour.
3. Fry the casuanuts and later break them.
4. Marinate the shelled prawn in a pinch of salt, garam masala, red chilli powder and saffron powder. Leave it aside for half an hour. Now add the prawns to the non - stick pan and a Tablespoon of sunflower oil. Saute it till it is fried well, fully cooked. Remove from stove. 
5. Saute the curry leaves also and set it aside. If u require scramble an egg and set it aside. This is optional.
6.Cook the soaked basmati rice till 90% done and strain it and leave it aside.
7. In a  pan, add oil, after 2 mins. add the whole spices, next one finely sliced onion and fry till light brown. (Never fully cooked in any biryani masala). Now add the chopped coriander and mint leaves. Later add the ginger and garlic paste and fry well for 3 mins. Dont burn it. Now add the tomatoes and saute for just 1 minute. Tomatoes must be wholesome never fully fried in a dumb biryani. Now add all the masala powders and saute well for 1 min. Add 1T. of curd and 1t. of lime juice. Stir for just a second and remove from stove.
8. In a raised pan first add the masala  a Tablespoon. Spread it. Next layer add a little of the fried onion, curry leaves, scrambled egg, casuanuts and fried prawn, Next layer spread the cooked basmati rice. Now again spread the gravy on the rice, followed by fried onions etc, then followed by basmati rice.
9. For the amount of rice prescribed it would amount to just 3 spreads. Finally add kesari colour to 1ts. of milk and pour it in the center. Cover with a lid and seal the corners with the paste of maida flour. Leave it aside for half an hour. Remove and serve, adding just a tsp. of ghee to the rice. Mughal Biryani is ready.
10. I have learn't in a hard way, exceeding the amount of masala powder given it will not taste like Mughal biryani. Or even if more fried onion's are added. Or even if the tomatoes are cooked to gravy. Fine preception is required to get the perfect Mughal Biryani. More than a tsp. of ghee will make it so bland. However this is my version.

Sophia Devasahayam

Sunday 28 April 2013


Statue of Liberty
Symbol of Power, Glory and Fame.
Stood Behind her, the Creators of the New World.
So high as the Moon itself in Significance, never dying!
The Boat Journeying towards her!
Sailing on her was the next soul
To the Hall of Fame.
Closer, I watched, Rock!
Made of Rock!
This was their Training too.
Listen, I was not talking of what they were cut from!


Saturday 27 April 2013

Peace With Thee My God and Strength.

Rainbow, “I make a covenant of Peace!”.
I saw SOME, surrounded by
Lush green meadows of peace.
Bright floral's of Beauty, Joy, Pride.
They walked in its midst,
All surrounded by glorious happiness.
I shake in awe, Happiness! So rare to SOME!
Look above, the Skies are Blue, Clear!
Look forward, Tall Cedars of Lebanon!
Might, Wealth, and Great Honour.
And Still SOME have never made
THEIR!  Covenant of Peace.
Forgiveness to all who rendered
Those Cloudy, thistled, barren days.
Why I write this, to pass this simple message
You don’t enjoy any blessings, or either move forward.
Without forgiving and letting go.

chocolate mousse


Whipped fresh cream - 200ml
Dark chocolate pieces - 13
Icing sugar - 2 T.
Vanilla extract - 1tsp
Egg - 1
Expresso coffee powder - 1tsp.

1. Melt the dark chocolate with 2T. of water and a tsp. of icing sugar over a double boiler, add the espresso powder and vanilla extract also to it.
2. Meanwhile in a clean bowl whip up the egg white.
3. In another bowl whip the yellow with a tsp. of icing sugar.
4. In a chilled bowl, whip the chilled cream just for 2 mins. (i mentioned buy whipped cream so!)
5. Remove the melted chocolate off the stove. And cool for just 2 mins. Later add 1T. of it to the egg yolk that is beaten. Mix the egg white into it. Later mix all of it the by now cooled melted dark chocolate. (If the chocolate and egg's are mixed when hot, the egg will scramble. If cooled too much the chocolate could harden, so keep the timing, as I just cooked it is fresh in my memory).
6. Now add this mixture to the whipped fresh cream and mix well again.
7. cook over the double boiler, stirring smoothly for just 2 mins. In order to cook the eggs.
8. Now pour this into ramicans. Close it with a butte paper and apply rubber band around.
9. Keep in the fridge for 6 hours. Sprinkle some icing sugar on top. whipped cream to toppen and grated chocolates for the finishing touch.
10. The chocolate mousse is ready to serve. (now that is all I waiting for to chill for 6 hrs.)


Look at the hues of nature
Bright yellow, orange, green and light green.
Together they make her so beautiful.
She wraps herself around in beauty.
The still waters, she streams in Peace
Nature.  Thus I thought first.
Look at the shades of her colours,
Orange for sacrifice, selflessness – I noticed later.
Bright and Light green – thick and thin times.
With kith and kin, and without.
The waters too must dry, she knows.
But this day, is her day of beauty,
Grandeur and glory. Phases change for Each.
And so does shades. Be Only Present!
All will Pass Soon.

Thursday 25 April 2013


This Rock Will Turn into Springs of Water. How?
Cutting through it first, How?
Persistence, Faith, Never quitting and Untiring.
Not letting your Mind boggle with what other’s think.
This is my Road.  A Road not Taken.
And it’s only Judge is Me.
Iam God, ah..sounds as arrogance.
No, think my soul, from where you once came.
He the I’AM, breathed his own soul into you.
What you only believe as Iam Dust and Clay.
No he breathed on you, the great Iam
And all he is -  greatness, strength, honour, might
They have all been BREATHED INTO ME!
Be still my soul and know that he is God.