Saturday 27 April 2013

Peace With Thee My God and Strength.

Rainbow, “I make a covenant of Peace!”.
I saw SOME, surrounded by
Lush green meadows of peace.
Bright floral's of Beauty, Joy, Pride.
They walked in its midst,
All surrounded by glorious happiness.
I shake in awe, Happiness! So rare to SOME!
Look above, the Skies are Blue, Clear!
Look forward, Tall Cedars of Lebanon!
Might, Wealth, and Great Honour.
And Still SOME have never made
THEIR!  Covenant of Peace.
Forgiveness to all who rendered
Those Cloudy, thistled, barren days.
Why I write this, to pass this simple message
You don’t enjoy any blessings, or either move forward.
Without forgiving and letting go.

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