Sunday 21 April 2013

Floral Oil's and Creams

CREAMS: There are creams to Rejunevate, to firm skin, to edify it with nutrients, to cleanse, to tone, to detox, to heal cuts and wounds, cure psoriasis or eczema (sometimes preventing it). Each ingredient act's as a vital agent all aiming toward's their purpose. So when buying always look for nature based ingredients, and not just the one's which tone and make u look fairer. I have found how using raw papaya make u look so much fairer. And nothing works as this pack a tsp. of green gram flour, lime, milk, kasthuri manjal applied everyday for a month, you're skin can glow so much more. Eating red based food's bleaches skin from within...Focus here and not multi-layered Chemicalized high profile creams. Focus only on nutritive creams and other's I have mentioned above. Organic creams use bees wax, Candellila wax, floral oils as camellia, lavender, ylang ylang, or rose essential oil. Which is full of nutrients and help the skin glow from within. Shenaz said this India women are all about cover and cure. So difficult to make products. So Cure and Cover and look great. And stop using highly chemical based lotions and creams. When I go to store's I always get this you look 21 not someone in her 30's. The secret is since 18 when i started using cosmetics. I always chose not he upbeat one's but mere calamine lotions, Vicco turmeric later Himalaya's etc. Which contain natural ingredients and preservatives. It pays now all the comments. Don't forget the face pack I gave, it is great.

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