Saturday 27 April 2013

chocolate mousse


Whipped fresh cream - 200ml
Dark chocolate pieces - 13
Icing sugar - 2 T.
Vanilla extract - 1tsp
Egg - 1
Expresso coffee powder - 1tsp.

1. Melt the dark chocolate with 2T. of water and a tsp. of icing sugar over a double boiler, add the espresso powder and vanilla extract also to it.
2. Meanwhile in a clean bowl whip up the egg white.
3. In another bowl whip the yellow with a tsp. of icing sugar.
4. In a chilled bowl, whip the chilled cream just for 2 mins. (i mentioned buy whipped cream so!)
5. Remove the melted chocolate off the stove. And cool for just 2 mins. Later add 1T. of it to the egg yolk that is beaten. Mix the egg white into it. Later mix all of it the by now cooled melted dark chocolate. (If the chocolate and egg's are mixed when hot, the egg will scramble. If cooled too much the chocolate could harden, so keep the timing, as I just cooked it is fresh in my memory).
6. Now add this mixture to the whipped fresh cream and mix well again.
7. cook over the double boiler, stirring smoothly for just 2 mins. In order to cook the eggs.
8. Now pour this into ramicans. Close it with a butte paper and apply rubber band around.
9. Keep in the fridge for 6 hours. Sprinkle some icing sugar on top. whipped cream to toppen and grated chocolates for the finishing touch.
10. The chocolate mousse is ready to serve. (now that is all I waiting for to chill for 6 hrs.)

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