Sunday 21 April 2013

Mineral Makeup.

Colour's: Flower's have colour' wide and so natural. Volcanic Mineral's too have their own shade's and hues. Mineral Makeup was first invented by the Egyptian's for the use of the Royal Family. Volcanic Residues, were collected later boiled and dried for human application on the eyes, lips, cheeks etc. Tablets come coated with mineral's for colour and health to body. For eg. iron oxides comes in all shades of Brown's. When the same is used in lipstick's they become edible, Castor oil soften's and no chemicals. Macedonia nut oil hardens and not Chemicals. Candellila wax heals cuts and wounds. Together boiled and cooled the lipstick comes ready. For those who value who value you're health, the cost is high ranging between Rs. 600 to 800 each. However I could retain this rate only if bought directly from Peniel organics online. Have spoken to trader's the ans. was "We fix rates..". Check out my products to be launched soon. Thank u.

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